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  4. Berwyn South School District 100: Transforming Student Outcomes

Impact Case Studies

Berwyn South School District 100: Transforming Student Outcomes


At A Glance

Berwyn South School District 100 fosters a culturally inclusive, student-centered environment.

For the past 10 years, the district has implemented a 1:1 technology model, providing every student with access to digital tools. It also offers a strong preschool program for over 350 children aged 3-5. The district has used a co-teaching model for nine years to support diverse learning needs and introduced a dual language program nine years ago, which now spans six schools and graduated its first middle school cohort in 2023-24.

Client: Berwyn South School District 100
Impact Area: Empowered Teams

The Scenario

The Berwyn South School District staff were looking to address the following challenges:

    1. Overemphasis on small group instruction at Tier 2 and 3, creating an imbalance in MTSS instructional process.
    2. Universal screening in place, but lacked full integration of evidence -based progress monitoring tools.
    3. Inconsistent academic growth for all students.


    The Opportunity

        • Established a professional learning community model district-wide.
        • Built capacity of school leaders through coaching and support.
        • Enhanced data analysis and data tracking at the district, school, and grade level.