Impact Case Studies
Charles Sumner Math & Science Community Academy: One Team, One Goal
This initiative focused on driving sustainable improvement through CEC’s Empowered Teams program, which facilitated cycles of learning and coaching for district and school leaders, as well as teacher teams. The process helped establish a shared vision, set actionable goals, and align with district priorities. It also integrated data collection and communication across key plans (Professional Learning Communities, School Improvement Plans, and District Improvement Plans) to ensure all stakeholders were engaged in the improvement process.
Berwyn South School District 100: Transforming Student Outcomes
This initiative focused on driving sustainable improvement through CEC’s Empowered Teams program, which facilitated cycles of learning and coaching for district and school leaders, as well as teacher teams. The process helped establish a shared vision, set actionable goals, and align with district priorities. It also integrated data collection and communication across key plans (Professional Learning Communities, School Improvement Plans, and District Improvement Plans) to ensure all stakeholders were engaged in the improvement process.
Creve Coeur School District 76: Transforming Student Outcomes
Read the success story of Creve Coeur School District 76 in Illinois, where transformative change led to remarkable achievements in just one year. Partnering with Catalyst for Educational Change (CEC), the district advanced from comprehensive to commendable, as recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). This milestone underscores our commitment to enhancing educational outcomes and fostering equitable learning environments. Explore the full case study.
ROE4: Better Together
The Regional Office of Education #4 (ROE4) is a trusted partner in the Northern Illinois education community, providing comprehensive support and
resources to schools, districts, and communities within its region. With a proven track record of successful program delivery and a commitment to
collaborative problem-solving, the Regional Office is a vital hub for educational excellence. ROE4 recognizes that in order to meet their goal of providing the highest quality support, its in their interest to partner with leading agencies and organizations to bridge the gap between national education experts and the districts they serve. This case study outlines how ROE4 and Catalyst for Educational Change (CEC) aligned resources and streamlined processes to provide clients with seamless and efficient program delivery.
Berkeley School District 87: The Foundation of Continuous Improvement
Transitioning to a new Superintendent can be a time of upheaval for a district. Berkeley School District 87 was no different. The new Superintendent wanted to clarify and refine the direction for the district. He wanted to ensure a process that identified a clear path and common focus for the district. Having worked with CEC in the past, he was familiar with the collaborative nature of their work and wanted to ensure maximum stakeholder voice in the district strategic planning development. Berkeley School District 87 selected CEC to help them build their new strategic plan to identify their “compass” for the next five years and realign their system to a true continuous improvement process.
Chicago Public School District: Hedges Elementary School
In 2022, Hedges Elementary School sought to gain support in the design and implementation of an effective school improvement process. Additionally, Hedges wanted to provide their leadership team with professional coaching. Hedges partnered with Catalyst for Educational Change (CEC) to achieve these goals.
Impact of SW TURN: San Antonio TX, Albuquerque NM, Clark County NV
Over the past decade, the Southwest Teacher Union Reform Network (SW Turn) has worked to bring together teacher union and school district leaders to study innovative reforms that can lead to increased achievement for all students. SW TURN brings together union leaders, administrators, outside experts, and other key stakeholders. Over the past several years, districts participating in SW TURN have represented some of the largest in the region, including Denver, Albuquerque, Las Vegas, Austin, Houston, Omaha and Tulsa. These districts alone serve more than 700,000 students in the region. The organization’s main goal is to support district and teacher union leaders in bringing about positive change that supports teachers and improves student learning and growth SAISD-SW-TURN-Report
Peoria High School, Peoria, IL: Changing The Culture
In 2011, after years of failing to meet state standards, and on the heels of a difficult school merger, Peoria High School decided to seek a federal School Improvement Grant. To receive the multi-million dollar grant, the school had to commit to a massive transformation of its administration and academic practices, including replacing the principal and other key school leaders. After an extensive search, Peoria High School chose CEC to serve as the lead partner for this transformation effort.
Rockford Public School District 205, Rockford, IL: Laying Strong Foundations (2015)
In 2014, Rockford Public Schools (RPS), a large urban district in northern Illinois, approached CEC looking for help with a few specific initiatives. The district was attempting to implement a Peer Assistance Review program, implement a SMART Goals process, and engage in a strategic planning process. During 2014-2015, CEC helped RPS achieve its goals by supporting the district to build true foundations for this work. With CEC leading its comprehensive strategic planning effort, RPS was able to develop a concise and coherent Mission, Vision, Motto, Set of Values, Long Range Goals, and Strategic Action Strategies. In addition, the district established a comprehensive communication and collaboration infrastructure, including a new District Leadership Team structure, facilitated by CEC.
Marquardt School District 15, Glendale Heights, IL: Sustained Capacity Building
CEC worked with Marquardt School District, a northwest suburban elementary district in DuPage County about 25 miles west of Chicago, for a period of 13 years, to build capacity each year for the district to solve its own problems. In the early years, CEC helped the district, school board, and teachers union work together using Interest-Based Bargaining and establishing collaborative structures such as District and School Partnership Councils. Over time, the focus shifted toward classroom practice, with detailed school assessments, support for curriculum development, and training to establish Professional Learning Communities.