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Interest-Based Problem-Solving (IBPS) & Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB)

About Interest-Based Problem Solving (IBPS) and Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB)

Engaging in Teamwork

CEC’s foundation in labor-management collaboration is the cornerstone of our interest-based services to schools and districts. Our staff, expertly trained in utilizing Interest-Based techniques, bring extensive expertise to the table. We provide skill training and skilled facilitation for educators, instilling confidence in our clients.

Our Interest-Based Problem-Solving (IBPS) sessions are designed to proactively and collaboratively resolve significant issues within educational systems, offering reassurance and preemptive solutions before issues escalate. We also provide Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB) services for matters such as contract negotiations. As a neutral facilitator, CEC helps to lower tensions, identify areas of unification, and foster agreement, ensuring a secure and prepared environment.

CEC’s IBB services are distinct from our IBPS services. IBB supports the facilitation of contract or impact bargaining sessions, guiding administration and unions toward win-win-win approaches around contract solutions. Both IBB and IBPS are valuable tools that have been central to CEC’s offerings for several decades.

Service Options

Phase 1: IBPS/ IBB* Skills Team Training

Option 1: Virtual Team Training Sessions (2 half-days)

Option 2: Blended Training on Schoology (asynchronous learning
+ 3 synchronous shorter sessions)

*For IBB services, we require that all members of the Bargaining Team participate in this training to ensure a common understanding of the IBB process and the roles and responsibilities that exist among key decision-makers.

Phase 2: IBPS/ IBB Facilitation **

Option 1: IBPS Sessions

  • In-person or virtual sessions are designed to open conversations, listen to and learn about impacts, and guide teams to shared decision-making and interests. Teams will conclude with consensus building, making commitments, and determining team approaches to assessing change.

Option 2: IBB Sessions

  • The number of bargaining sessions will be based on the Bargaining Team’s needs and issues. We typically estimate two days of training and an additional 5 days of bargaining sessions as a baseline. Additional facilitation days may be added as needed. We recommend scheduling the bargaining sessions close to each other. This enables the team to build momentum and work more efficiently in problem-solving toward shared agreements.  

***IBPS and IBB sessions can be facilitated in person, virtually, or a blend of both formats.

Interest-Based Problem Solving (IBPS) and Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB) Resources

Become a Certified IBB Facilitator

CEC offers proven, interest-based, and effective facilitation skills, through a combination of virtual live sessions and on-demand modules. Our collaborative approach can guide an organization’s decisions in contract negotiations, impact bargaining, and problem-solving conversations that reflect the current environment and address current tensions and issues schools face.

We will help you develop a plan

Crystal Conley