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Core Programs

CEC effectively creates long-term transformation in schools and districts by focusing on collaboration and capacity building. With the cooperation of stakeholders at every level, CEC helps schools and districts effectively diagnose their strengths and needs, set direction for their work, and choose the appropriate targeted supports, such as coaching and professional learning opportunities.


CEC’s approach is to begin by carefully assessing the district or school’s needs in the areas requested. We understand that even the most effective research-based practices cannot be implemented the same way in every district. Therefore, our diagnostic tools are designed to accurately identify the strengths and opportunities present in each district or school in order to tailor services to be most effective. We provide shorter and longer versions of our assessments, personalized to the unique situation of each district or school.

System & Needs Assessment

Targeted Needs Assessments

  • Culture and Climate
  • Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment 
  • Early Childhood
  • English Language Learning
  • Equity and Excellence
  • Inclusion / Special Education
  • Multi-Tiered System of Support

System Alignment

CEC engages schools and districts in a process that identifies effective practices and areas for improvement. We use methods that result in thoughtful guidance that sets the direction for the work in a district or school, including a scope and sequence for services that most effectively builds capacity for long-term improvement.

Strategic Planning

Empowered Teams

  • District (DLT)
  • School (SLT)
  • Teacher (TLT)

Comprehensive School Improvement

Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)

Targeted Instructional Leadership

System Agreements

CEC recognizes that a commitment to school improvement requires carefully built structures for communication and collaboration between the three anchors of the school system (the union/teacher associations, school/management boards and administration). We work with districts to build and maintain collaborative structures for turning collaborative commitments into ongoing collaborative action. This results in the anchors working together to set, carry out, and monitor progress toward organizational priorities.

Working Relationships

Conflict Resolution & Difficult Conversations

Culture and Climate Intervention

Interest-Based Problem-Solving (IBPS) / Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB)

Stakeholder Facilitation of Topic-Based Innovations