Collaborative Networks
CEC builds and supports both short and long-term networks to advance work on a variety of initiatives that promote educational equity and shared strategic priorities. Members collaborate and connect with fellow educators in learning opportunities that are focused on mutual needs.

SEL Network
CEC and CASEL collaboratively developed three partnership projects to support schools and districts that committed to planning and implementing an integrated, collaborative, systemic approach to schoolwide Social Emotional Learning (SEL) implementation. The goal of this district team SEL Network was to ensure SEL was connected to other district initiatives to create integration, coherence, and efficiency. Each team involved completed a district- and/or school-wide SEL Implementation Rubric to assess assets, set goals, and developed and implemented a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle for continuous improvement to monitor progress. The CEC and CASEL teams supported the network in analyzing the rubrics and administering a beginning-of-the-year and end-of-the-year survey to all participating districts and schools to track progress.

Partnership for Resilience
CEC is a member of the Partnership for Resilience, an organization that aims to transform and integrate education, healthcare, and community organizations to create a trauma-informed, family-focused system that measurably improves academic, health, and social outcomes for children impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
The partnership seeks to mitigate the impact of childhood trauma and build resiliency by coordinating care and services between health care and education organizations, increasing family and community wellness and access to preventative care, and identifying results-based practices that could inform a policy agenda around these issues.

TURN (Teacher Union Reform Network)
CEC continues to support and deepen the work of the regional TURN networks, which are developing Regional TURN Communities of Practice that enable us to implement the following objectives:
- To identify and support a targeted and focused set of reform initiatives to improve teaching and learning that are planned and implemented collaboratively by labor-management teams in our TURN regions.
- To deepen the work of the TURN regions in developing and sustaining labor-management collaborative partnerships to improve teaching and learning
- To broadly share and communicate the results of our TURN regions and the state and local efforts to work collaboratively to develop and implement significant education reform policies and programs that impact student learning.
Local union-management collaborative teams that are participating in our TURN Regions are invited to partner with us as we continue to establish Regional TURN Communities of Practice to support, showcase and share the work in ways where we learn from each other’s efforts. We hope that together we can continue to explore and integrate the knowledge, skills and practices needed to strengthen labor-management collaborative partnerships to implement the common core standards, teacher evaluation and student growth measures in our schools and classrooms in ways that enhance professional practices and student learning.

California Labor Management Initiative
CEC partners with Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation (CDEF) through The California Labor Management Initiative (CA LMI). CA LMI is a project that seeks to engage school system unions and management as collaborative partners in creating, resourcing and implementing solutions resulting in a strong public education system that serves every student in California.
CEC works with CDEF to support the goal of the CA LMI to make labor-management collaboration an integral part of improving public schools and advancing equity in California. Since 2015 the CA LMI has convened public school leaders to advance labor-management collaboration and continuous improvement through peer learning networks and training.
The CA LMI facilitates exploration and sharing of research and best practices to build deep enduring cross-sector union-management partnerships in California public schools. The Initiative is guided by a steering committee that includes state education organizations.