Partners, Affiliations, and Joint Programming
Catalyst for Educational Change views partnerships as one of the cornerstones of its success. Partnerships have allowed CEC to remain in contact with leading practitioners and researchers and leverage them to benefit our schools and districts. There are numerous examples of fruitful partnerships over the years that have helped CEC to advance its work and that of our clients.
Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation (CDEF)
CEC has a long-standing relationship with CDEF, and in addition to shared programming and partner presentations, CDEF is delivering to public education similar efforts as CEC, with communities of practice, advancing model programs, and connecting innovation.
Custom Education Solutions, Inc.
CEC partners with Custom Education Solutions to provide powerful days of discovery and collaboration on building equity through systems, policies, practices & resources. These sessions are offered in multiple states, free of charge to attendees.
Like CEC, Innovare has a deep commitment to improve education, empower leaders, and impact students. Through complementary offerings, CEC and Innovare partner to improve educational equity.
Partnership for Resilience
CEC is a member of the Partnership for Resilience, an organization that aims to transform and integrate education, healthcare, and community organizations to create a trauma-informed, family-focused system that measurably improves academic, health, and social outcomes for children impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The partnership seeks to mitigate the impact of childhood trauma and build resiliency by coordinating care and services between health care and education organizations, increasing family and community wellness and access to preventative care, and identifying results-based practices that could inform a policy agenda around these issues.
CEC is partnering to bring together school staff from across the state of Illinois with a common interest in trauma-responsive practices. The “REACH Communities of Practice: Developing a Trauma-Informed School Climate” offers a series of sessions to create collective impact for school communities.
Research Partnership for Professional Learning (RPPL)
CEC recently became an affiliate of the Research Partnership for Professional Learning (RPPL), which brings together professional learning organizations and researchers who are studying how features of professional learning address teacher learning and student experiences, well-being, and academic growth, with a specific focus on students from historically marginalized groups. As an affiliate, CEC will have access to RPPL’s research findings as well as the shared measures, tools, and resources they’re creating to help conduct professional learning research. CEC will be able to share all of this with its team and districts and will, in turn, share with RPPL what they are discovering that is relevant to RPPL’s learning agenda. Located at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, RRPL offers affiliates multiple opportunities to connect via briefings and conferences.
Regional Office of Education 4 (ROE4)
ROE4 and CEC align resources and streamline processes to provide school and district clients with seamless and efficient program delivery, resulting in school improvement.
Steans Family Foundation
CEC has partnered with the Steans Family Foundation on a multi-year project to support NL READS (North Lawndale Reading for Emotional and Academic Development and Success). This high-quality Kindergarten through Grade 3 literacy implementation project utilizes evidence-based literacy teaching and learning practices in a continuous improvement process that builds teacher, coach, and leader skills to sustain change over time. Grounded in professional development and leadership, CEC is leading progress monitoring with a focus on writing, teachers’ writing instructional practice, and improving students’ writing ability, as evidenced by rubrics.
CEC National Network & Presence

CEC partners with national, regional and state organizations as well as schools, districts and labor associations in delivering our services.

Approved Provider States
Illinois, Indiana, Hawaii

District Partner States
Illinois, Indiana, Maine, California, Washington, Michigan, Massachusetts, Ohio, Alaska, Oregon, Wisconsin, Hawaii, New York, Missouri

TURN Network
California TURN (CalTURN), Great Lakes TURN (GL TURN), Mid-Atlantic-Southeast TURN (MASE TURN), Northeast TURN (NE TURN), Northwest TURN (NW TURN), Southwest TURN (SW TURN)
CEC maintains critical associations with partner organizations to elevate and align our work in the educational community. CEC sees these associations as instrumental in staying close to the latest research and practice to inform the support and services it brings to its clients.
Our current associations:
- American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
- American Institute of Research (AIR)
- ASPEN Institute
- Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
- Danielson Group
- Erikson Institute
- Harvard Education Redesign Lab
- Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB)
- Illinois Education Association (IEA)
- National Education Association (NEA)
- National-Louis University (NLU)
- National Labor-Management Partnership (NLMP)
- New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning
- Rutgers University
- Teacher Union Reform Network (TURN)
- Tripod Education Partners